Beach Access Program / Beach Wheels

For reservations call: (609) 361-9733 (10am-3pm)
The intent of this program is to grant a person(s) the opportunity to access the beach
if they have physical limitations that may limit them otherwise.
The Borough offers beach wheel chairs and a vehicle transportation program
to transport physically challenged individuals to and from the beach
in Harvey Cedars at no charge. However, beach badges are required for all patrons.
HANDICAP ACCESS RAMPS TO OCEAN BEACH East 80th Street East Mercer Avenue |
Harvey Cedars Beach Wheel Program helps provide access for residents and tourists who need assistance traversing on rough terrain such as the beach. The beach chairs are made from lightweight PVC tubing with oversized wheels to traverse difficult terrain. Anyone staying at a Harvey Cedars address is eligible to reserve and use a chair at no charge. The Beach Wheel Program is funded by donations, grants, businesses, service organizations and the Borough. The program currently has 1 chair for children and 6 chairs for adults. The chairs are available on a weekly basis by reservation. |
The Harvey Cedars UTV Program is an alternate program for physically challenged individuals who are unable to use a beach wheel chair. A four wheel drive utility terrain vehicle (UTV) is used to transport physically challenged individuals to and from the beach in Harvey Cedars. Anyone in Harvey Cedars is eligible to reserve transportation at no charge. Click here for In-Season reservation information Click here for Post-Season (Sept) reservation information Updated 6/14/2023 |