Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer: Cecilia (Ceci) Morillo       

                                  Phone: (609)361-6000 option 8

                                  Fax: (609)361-6031


Office Hours: 9 am to 11 am

Wednesday & Friday


Thinking of starting a new project?

A call to the Zoning Officer is an important step, even when planning minor improvements.  Most improvements require zoning permit review before the work begins, in some cases even if the project is exempt from construction permit requirements.  A zoning permit is required for the installation or replacement of items such as air conditioning units, sheds, fences, decks, railings, pavers, storage trailers, signs, and commercial outdoor seating just to name some examples. 

Zone-specific bulk requirements are available here.


Resale CO’s

Resale applications and a list of resale requirements can be printed from one of the links below.

Requirements for Resale CO Inspection List link (updated 12/2019)

Declaration of Deed Restriction (effective 01/2020)

Resale CO Application - $50 fee per unit


Zoning Fees

$250.00 - New structures or relocation of existing structures

$225.00 - Major enlargements or renovation

$100.00 - Pool w. fence permits

$75.00 - Paver/ impervious coverage permits

$50.00 - Bulkhead replacement permits

$25.00 - Maintenance, sheds air conditioners/ generators & other minor work

$25.00 - Work approved by variance of the Land Use Board


Harvey Cedars Zoning Map  
Zoning Regulations - Chapter 13 (rev. 2022)  

District Zoning Requirements (Setbacks/Coverage)



Print Zoning Applications with links below:

 Zoning Application (General) 
Fence, Trailer, Sign & Coverage (Paver) Zoning Application 
Resale CO Application - $50 fee per unit


Harvey Cedars Land Use Board

Board Secretary: Kristen Christofora
609.361.6000   kchristofora@harveycedars.org

The HCLUB meets the third Thursday every month at 7pm. 

Below are the documents necessary for application submission. All applications can be dropped
off at Borough Hall 7606 Long Beach Blvd, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008 during regular office hours. Application deadline is 21 days prior to the meeting date. 

Application Instructions
Application Fees
200' List Request
Tax Certification Letter
Affadavit of Ownership
Newspaper Notice Guideline
200' List Notice Guidelines
Affadavit of Service & Publication